ARN Restorative Nursing: A Training Manual for Nursing Assistants
This dynamic resource can be used as an interactive training tool for all nursing assistants, restorative nursing assistants, and rehabilitation nursing aides. The manual provides basic training on the principles of restorative nursing and information to aid instructors who teach restorative nursing.
Pages: 207
ISBN: 978-0-615-24634-5
Publication Date: 2008
Table of Contents: ARN Restorative.pdf
Author(s): Contributors to this Edition- Susan Maier Davis, MS RN CRRN; Cheryl E. Field, MSN RN CRRN; Barbara Hicks, MSN RN; Beverley E. Holland, PhD ARNP; Sue Easter Idczak, PhD RN CNE; Marta M. Keane, MEd CCC-SLP/Aud F-ASHA; Pamala D. Larsen, PhD RN CRRN FNGNA; Kristen L. Mauk, PhD RN CRRN-A GCNS-BC; Peggy A. Plylar, MS RN CNS CRRN; Catherine A. Tracey, MS RN CRRN; Rita A. Bendekovits, MS RN CRRN; Betty R. Clark, Med BSN RN CRRN; Michele Cournan, MS RN CNS CRRN APRN-BC; Randy Drake, LNA GNAS; Debra A. Dzenko, BSN RN-BC CCM CRRN; Karen L. Lance, MS CCC-SLP; Cheryl Lehman, PhD RN CRRN-A BC; Maria L. Radwanski, MSN RN CRRN; Ellen Shaw, GNAS; Julie L. Smith, MS RD/LD CDE; Margaret L. Toth, RNC CRRN; Sharon Wareing, DNS MSN RN CRRN; Marilyn Ter Maat, MSN RN CRRN-A NEA-BC FNGNA
Contributors to and Reviewers of the First Edition Nancy Anderson, BA, Sandra Axelrod, MS RN CRRN, Rita A. Bendekovits, MSN RN CRRN ONC, Dan L. Brown, MS RN CRRN, Debra Callner, RPT, B. J. Collard, BSN RN CANP GNP CPHQ, Nancy Davis, MS RN CRRN, Mary Ann Ford, MSN RN CRRN-A, Chery Field, MSN RN CRRN, Beverly E. Holland, PhD ARNP, Suzanne Grucci, CCC SLP, Jonelle K. Leach, BSN RN CRRN CCM, Kristen L. Easton Mauk, PhD RN CRRN-A GCNS-BC, Nancy E. Morth, MS RN, Sarah H. Muegge, BSN RN CRRN RNC, Pauline Reid Oliver, MSPH BS RN, Terry Peabody, CNA, Robin E. Remsburg, PhD RN, Ellen Shaw, CNA, Margaret L. (Peg) Toth, RN C CRRN, Marilyn Ter Maat, MSN RN CRRN-A NEA-BC FNGNA, Catherine A. Tracey, MS RN CRRN, Marcy Vogt, OTR, Roberta M. White, MS RN CRRN
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